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Facebook could allow up to five profiles per user

From its origins, a hallmark of Facebook has been not allowing the use of more than one account to a user. It is true that there are many people who, over the years, have skipped this prohibition, but it is also true that the social network has persecuted this type of action, and I know several people who have lost at least one account due to consequence of it. Personally I have never fully understood it, but after all it is your social network.

And another characteristic element of Facebook, this more understandable, is that the name that identifies the account must be reasonably nominal and correspond to reality. Again, it is true that there are quite a few profiles that do not comply with this rule, but whenever they are identified by Facebook, Meta blocks the profile and asks its user to send an identification document with a photo, the DNI in the case of Spain, to prove the identity. And, if necessary, they impose the change of the name to one at least close to the real one.

However, all this could be about to change, as we can read in The Verge, and that is Facebook would be conducting a test to allow the use of up to five profiles for each user. In this way, according to the social network, users could segment their activity on Facebook with profiles for different purposes, such as one for friends, one for co-workers and others to interact with interest groups and influential people.

Facebook could allow up to five profiles per user

Furthermore, as we can read, profiles will not have to include real identity, that is, the user’s name, or at least part of it. You just have to follow the Facebook rules and not use special characters. Beyond that, you can call yourself whatever you want. At this point it should be remembered that this rule has been quite controversial, even to the point of having led to legal action in Germany.

You don’t have to be particularly smart to understand that, with this movement, Facebook tries to recover users lost by these two rules, now that he continues to see his numbers decline slowly but inexorably. The doubt, of course, is whether this change arrives on time and brings a little joy to the figures of the social network or if, on the contrary, it arrives too late, at a time when the interest in having several profiles on Facebook It’s just a memory of the past. And, feeling very sorry for them, maybe I’m wrong, but I think the correct answer is the second one.

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