Apple introduces Community +, the program for those who value the community


Apple tries to incentivize the engagement of the most active users on the pages of the support trying to repay the efforts. So she launched the Community + programan initiative with which “honor and celebrate […] the positive attitude, experience and curiosity of users who have a great impact on our community “. It often happens to Apple customers to search the web for the solution to a doubt or a problem, and to come across one of those proposed by an enthusiast among the pages of

Here, it is precisely to the most proactive users around the world that Apple is addressing in describe the Community + program.

Members of the Apple Community + program share useful information and have infinite knowledge, make everyone feel welcome and inspire others by collaborating with a thoughtfulness that deserves to be celebrated. That’s why we happily give these members the chance to get special benefits, white glove experiences, and more. To keep program offers fresh and unique, invitations are limited.


Entry into the Community + program is in fact subject to having an invitation. They are not won in a lottery or bought, except with merit. However, the outlines of the program are different that are not clear: for example i “special benefits” mentioned by Apple (perhaps a Gift Card, available in Italy since yesterday?), and also the criteria for selecting guests. If on the benefits provided by Community + it is possible that Apple enriches the description, on the criteria those who know the Apple could bet that they will never come out, that they will remain encrypted.

But on the fact that it will be necessary “sweat” the invitation there are no doubts, and Apple itself confirms it:

We are looking for shining stars: high-level community members who embody the qualities that make our space a warm and welcoming place. Committed and active members in the community. They share quality content and give answers that also help determine their reputation. And most importantly, they are role models whose character motivates others and takes our community to a higher level.

The presentation of Apple Community + ends with a rather eloquent passage on the starting period of the initiative:

Does all this describe you? Keep it up! You never know what next year may hold for you.

So, see you in the next weeks or months to find out more and to 2023 so that the program is fully operational.

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