Apple withdraws the signature to iOS 15.5
A week to evaluate the most recent stable release of iOS, 15.6, and decide whether to return to the previous one. It is the typical amount of time that Apple gives to iPhone users before preventing downgrades, i.e. switching from a newer version of the smartphone operating system to one that is less, and it is the time it has once again granted. after the launch of the iOS 15.6 release, dated 21 July.
Now Apple stopped signing iOS 15.5, so it is no longer recognized as valid if you try to install it. From now on, therefore, the only release of iOS 15 that can be installed on an iPhone (among the compatible ones, of course) is iOS 15.6, and it will be like this until the next version is released. However, it is unlikely that iOS 15.6 can give problems, having introduced insubstantial innovations.
Specifically, the possibility of pausing, rewinding, restarting and fast-forwarding sports broadcasts through the TV app (Apple is focusing a lot on this kind of services in the United States), as well as some fixes for Safari, Mail and the settings menu. It is not clear if among Apple’s programs there is a further update for iOS 15 between now and September, when the stable version of iOS 16 arrives – a few hours to the fourth public beta. So far, there are no hints of an iOS 15.7 beta, which suggests a relatively long wait for stable iOS 16 lies ahead.
Restoring to previous versions of iOS is often done by those who jailbreak their devicesthe procedure that, taking advantage of the system flaws that are usually corrected by later versions of iOS, allows you to install alternative third-party software and packages to those of the App Store, therefore not signed and authorized by Apple.
The signature block is done precisely for ensure greater safetypreventing users from ending up daily in an environment with unsolved vulnerabilities as well as avoiding excessive fragmentation of active firmware.