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Community, Spotify’s new idea to be much more social

For some time now, the streaming music service Spotify has been taking steps to make users more interactive, and one example is the lists that they generate among themselves to enjoy together. Well, data has appeared indicating that the firm is working on a new function whose name makes its objective quite clear: Community. Based on the data available, this new option will be the one that replaces the existing one called Activity of friends. This allows you to know in real time what those who have among your Spotify contacts are listening to (as well as discovering their lists and those that have been modified lately). The fact is that the functions offered by the new addition will be similar, but with some differences. One of the important ones is that Community will be available to all users, so it is not restricted to those who have a payment account in the service or the obligation to use the client for computers. Therefore, it is pointed out that anyone can hang out with acquaintances and be much more social -checking the activity of their friends-. In other words, it recovers one of the roots of Spotify: achieving musical development with high interaction between users. An image makes it clear that Community will arrive The work has already begun to offer this functionality, and an image has been published that allows you to know what the interface of the new Spotify addition will be like, In the upper area you will see the lists of friends that have been modified lately, so that in this way they are easily accessible. Then, just below, you can see the list of the songs that the contacts you have in the application are listening to. This allows you to know everything that those who know are doing and, if something interests you, imitate it. An interesting detail is that the company itself has indicated that the arrival of Community is a reality, but has not indicated more information about it… simply that it is in the development phase. In other words, if you are one of those who uses this service in the cloud, you will certainly have this new tool. And the truth is that it doesn’t seem like a bad idea at all. Do you want to see what Spotify Community is like? This could be achieved from the Internet browser that you usually use on your mobile device, but it does not work for everyone at the moment. The thing is that in the address bar you have to write the following: spotify:community. Therefore, you can enjoy a preview that, yes, has a very limited functionality and does not allow you to take full advantage of this new function that will soon arrive at the streaming music service with the most users worldwide. >

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