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Are you able to pass the EBAU? This application tells you if you are ready for selectivity

The previously known as Selectividad is about to begin to give access to the university to all students who wish to specialize in any of the available careers. However: How to check if you are sufficiently prepared? Easy: with the Let’s EBAU application, an app created by teachers that allows you to measure knowledge in 15 subjects based on questions on the phone.

Testing knowledge with an aptitude test is the usual method for any exam, be it school or driving. These tests their difficulty rises as the requirements are greater, as is obvious. And, in the case of the EBAU (also called EVAU or PAU, depending on the autonomous community), it is logical that thorough preparation is needed in order to pass it. So, now that the marked date is approaching, how about you check how you are doing?

A complete test of questions by subjects

Let's Ebau

It is not that an application is going to solve the university entrance exam, but it will always be helpful to discern if the average level of each person is or is not suitable to appear at the EBAU. That is exactly where the application that we recommend points to you: it allows you to examine yourself virtually with more than 5,000 different questions.

To get started, and once Let’s EBAU Selectivitime is installed on your phone, you need to register with a name and with the autonomous community where you plan to take the exam (a simple name is enough, you don’t even need the email). After registration, the application divides the contents by subjects. Applied mathematics, biology, geography, Latin… You must choose those subjects depending on your different studies.

The app offers test-type questions in which you will have to mark one of the proposed answers. There is also the possibility of play competitions against another user who is examining the same subject. And there is a third mode of use, the study: in it Lets EBAU Selectivitime has hundreds of questions and solved problems that are only accessible to those who register in the community.

Let's Ebau

The application offers a clear interface, it is very manageable, the level of knowledge is high, all questions and answers are tailored to the needs of the EBAU and they are carried out by teachers of the different subjects. It is a free app and lacks any type of advertising.

The application is not an app itself, it is a link to the Let’s EBAU website. You can do all the tests from the browser by accessing this page

Lets EBAU Selectivitime has seemed to us to be an excellent application for all those who are about to take the exam in what was formerly called selectivity. It allows you to check the knowledge bases in a simple, playful and very complete way: in a few steps you will know if you have prepared or not for the next EBAU.

Lets EBAU Selectivitime

Lets EBAU Selectivitime

  • Price:: Free
  • Developer:: Let’s EBAU
  • Download:: For Android on Google Play

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