For many users to keep their chats from WhatsApp It is important, since they store messages, photos, videos or work information that they consider necessary.
However, when one changes cell phone it is necessary to transfer all the files, do it Android to another device with the same operating system is simple, but when you want to pass all the information to a iphone it is necessary to know a trick that has gone viral in social networks. How does it work? TechSmart brings the step by step.
iOS (iPhone) and Android are the two most popular operating systems among the large number of manufacturers and models of mobile devices that exist today. Also, each software It has its own platform for saving and transferring files.
for a cell phone Android is had google drive and for an iPhone it is iCloud. However, it generates certain problems when you want to take all the information of WhatsApp from one phone to another.
Transfer chats from Android to iPhone or vice versa
To transfer WhatsApp chats between mobiles that have the same operating system is quite simple. The issue gets complicated when you transfer from iOS to Android or vice versa.
Although there are several options that can be downloaded from the Google and Apple app stores, the most recommended apps are MobileTrans, WazzapMigrator either dr.fone, which only require some minimal permissions and do not endanger the information of your WhatsApp chats. To do so, you must perform the following instructions:
1. Make a backup in the WhatsApp account.
2. Install WhatsApp on the new iPhone.
3. Connect the Android and a new iPhone to the PC, on the iPhone click on Trust this computer.
4. Open MobileTrans or any of the apps mentioned above (the process is the same) on the computer and select WhatsAppTransfer.
5. Now the two devices that are connected will be detected. You have to put one as source and one as destination.
6. And that’s it, the process will take a few minutes, depending on the size of the files.
Transfer files from one Android to another Android
To switch from one Android phone to another with the same operating system, you can use Google Drive. So the first step is save a copy there from the mobile that is going to stop being used. For that you have to:
Open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Chats > Backup. Then you have to press ‘Save’. You can also configure the system so that copies are made automatically, all you have to do is activate this option and choose how often you want those copies to be made.
It should be remembered that backups from this platform no longer count towards the Google Drive storage quota. So there is no need to worry about the space they occupy in the cloud.
Once the copy has been made in Drive, you can start the process of transferring information to the new mobile.
First you have to download WhatsApp to the new cell phone and follow the steps indicated there. When verifying the phone number, the platform will ask if you want to restore the chats and multimedia files. At that moment you have to press the option ‘Restore’.
In case the service does not find the file to restore, it is possible that the same Gmail account that was used to create the copy is not being used. The other point is that the same WhatsApp number that was used to create that history is not being used; or the backup was not created as mentioned above.
Transfer WhatsApp chats from one iPhone to another iPhone
In the case of iPhone, you have to resort to the iCloud cloud service. To make a copy of the chats, including multimedia content, go to WhatsApp and then enter Settings > Chats > Backup and select Back up now.
In this case, as in Android, you can also choose to automate the copies so that they are made with a certain frequency.
Once this is done, after installing WhatsApp on the new iPhone and verifying the account, the user will be asked if they want to restore the chats, as mentioned above.