Currently WhatsApp communicates its news through its official blog, social networks or through its file on Google Play, but in the future the company will offer another way to keep up to date with its popular messaging client.
Through the latest WhatsApp beta it has been discovered that the company is going to follow the steps of Telegram and is implementing its own official chat as a means of communication with its users.
official whatsapp chat
In the first leaked screenshot we can see that the official whatsapp chat will inform us of everything you need to know about its new functionsit will show us tips and tricks to get the most out of WhatsApp, and it will show us information about its privacy and security policy.
In this way, the user from the application itself will be able to keep up to date with its news and tricks, with which the company will send its latest functions to more users so that they do not go unnoticed by the vast majority who are informed on blogs or social networks about WhatsApp news.
The whatsapp chat It is read only and is end-to-end encrypted. It is still in development, so it may take months to appear on our devices. WhatsApp will surely follow in the footsteps of Telegram and show this chat temporarily every time important news arrives in its application.
Via | WABetaInfo