It’s been a while since WhatsApp has been testing and adding updates or new features, but surely In the history of the platform, the most important changes have been the two checks in blue to know if the messages were seen and then the possibility of blocking that color.
Now this possibility of deleting messages will be extended to 60 hoursa little over two days, since there was only one hour to repent of what was sent.
This was announced by WhatsApp through your official account Twitter where they also upload information about other updates and interact with their followers.
It was even so that many followers left their comments on the tweet celebrating the news, but also proposing to the developers of the application more functions like disappearing the notification of a deleted message or that the sent texts can be edited.
However, it is not that this new function takes the followers of the Meta platform by surprise, since they already knew that the company was testing extending the deadline up to 60 hours to delete messages in Beta versions, only that now it has arrived to all users.
This update will work the same way messages have been deleted so far, by long-pressing on the text you want to delete, then tapping on the trash can icon, and finally choosing the “Delete for everyone” option, and then from this you will only see a notification that says “you deleted this message”.
It is worth mentioning that to make use of this new feature of the messaging platform, it is necessary to have the latest version of the application installed on Android and iOSso people will have to verify that in the app stores and if it is the case, update it.
WhatsApp will improve security to log in from another device
Now Whatsapp is working on a new update that will detect a login from a different device and send the account owner a notification to accept or deny the login. Just as Google does with entering Gmail from another computer or unregistered cell phone.
This is because for now the only time the messaging platform asks a user to verify their account is when they download and install the application on a new cell phone, sending a message with a 6-digit code.
It has been the WABetaInfo portal once again that has revealed this information, according to them, if the system finds that an attempt is being made to open a session in an illegitimate manner, the creditor of the account will receive a message on their cell phone warning about it.
The WhatsApp-related news site reports that this new verification system is being tested in version for Android, which is in the Google Play Beta program.