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To see on Google Maps the areas of the world where there are forest fires

Every day we witness the climatic gravity that our planet is going through, with countries suffering from intense rains and others with extreme heat, one of them being Spain.

This has led companies like Google to take the initiative to incorporate a feature into Google Maps that allows users to spot the areas with forest fires in progress.

Thanks to the possibility offered Google Maps By consulting this information, people who live in areas prone to this disaster may have the opportunity to take action in case they plan to travel or live near one of these areas where a fire is taking place.

Under this feature, by having an enlarged view of the map, Google Maps will show you by default the forest fire alerts indicated in red and with the icon of a fire flame.

How to turn on wildfire view

There are two ways to force this type of view. The first is by placing the cursor in the box located in the lower left corner identified with the word layers and then in Plus. This will display a window in which you must click on the option Forest fires.

show forest fire alerts google maps

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By doing this you will get a view of all alerts, pointing out the forested areas of the world in which a fire is taking place in real time, so that it is only a matter of exploring the map until you find the one you want to be aware of. In the following image we can see the forest fire alerts occurring at this time in the United States.

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The second way to see the alerts on the map is through the Google Maps search bar. To do this, you must enter the word fires, which will be detected by the autocomplete function, and it will suggest different names, so that you can decide whether to see all the forest fires in a country or the one in a specific area. .

By clicking on any of the forest fire alerts indicated on the map you will have access to information related to that point, where you will be able to see the time the alert was updated, an address to ask for help and information, access the latest news about the incident or see if vehicular movement has been impeded on any road.

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