TikTok Music arrives with the aim of shaking other platforms such as Apple Music and Spotify. Recently the company ByteDance, who are behind the TikTok platform, have just submitted a trademark registration request. In it they point out their plans to impose their own musical platform in the United States.
TikTok Music
According to Business Insider, that one of the big social media platforms would get to venture into a service that would oppose Spotify and Apple Music soon.
As indicated in the post, TikTok is a platform that without realizing it has been significantly catapulting a lot of music from any field and time. Many of these songs manage to position themselves in the current social convention of consumers from other platforms, even getting on the Billboard 100, Viral 50 and, of course, Spotify and Apple Music lists.
The company ByteDance sent a registration about TikTok Music as a brand two months ago, in the United States. The main idea is that this brand includes products and services integrated into the mobile application. There it is planned to have integrated purchases, in addition to “play, share and download music, songs, albums and lyrics”.
The outlet primarily reported that TikTok Music included in ByteDance’s application that the app would be used by users looking to “stream live audio and video.” They also plan to let you edit photos to use as cover art for playlists. Finally, the possibility of commenting on the content of the application such as songs and albums.
In the event that ByteDance concludes the preparation of TikTok Music, the next objective would be to fight the market against Apple Music and Spotify. Until now TikTok is the platform, not belonging to Meta, that has exceeded 3,000 million downloads worldwide. This would be a great opportunity for musicians to venture into one of the most viral platforms.
It wouldn’t be uncommon for ByteDance to actually have trademarked if this was anything at all, especially emphasizing the name “TikTok” on it. The insider confirms the seriousness of the matter from the words of lawyer Josh Gerben. Josh points out what reputable companies do with their trademarks by registering them. Although sometimes these ideas do not materialize, many times they are very serious.