We’re just over a week away from the official announcement of the Galaxy Z Fold 4, and the leaks just keep pouring in. This week, the Galaxy Z Fold 4 has appeared on Amazon to show off its new design, its case, and also a software upgrade. A Telegram channel has discovered a listing for the Galaxy Z Fold 4 on Amazon Holland, but we have been able to verify that it is also present on Amazon Spain. The interesting thing is that it lets us see the device in official images.
First of all, we have exact measurements showing the new aspect ratio of the Fold4. The outer screen of the Fold4 is now wider, with a 6.2-inch screen and a 23.1: 9 ratio. By comparison, the Fold3 had the same diagonal size, but with a narrower 25:9 ratio screen. The inner screen also happens to have a wider aspect ratio of 21.6:18 with the same size of 7.6″ — the Galazy Z Fold3 had a 5:4 aspect ratio. It also appears that Samsung has reduced the size of the hinge and the thickness of the bezel along the left side of the outer screen.
Other images also show a new software tweak that Samsung will debut with the Galaxy Z Fold 4: a taskbar at the bottom that looks a lot like Android 12L. Google introduced a taskbar in Android 12L that is displayed on large-screen devices and puts multiple apps at the user’s fingertips to quickly switch between them and make multitasking easier. .
Finally, we can also the S Pen for the Galaxy Z Fold4. The S Pen “Fold Edition” is shown alongside the Fold4 in multiple images, one of which shows that the design of the pen looks largely the same. The other image shows an S Pen case for the Galaxy Z Fold4 in a teal-gray color that appears to match the phone inside. The stylus also matches that color.
Samsung is scheduled to introduce the Galaxy Z Fold 4 along with the Flip 4, the Watch 5 series, and a new pair of earphones on August 10.