One of the strengths of Android is that it has apps for all kinds of tasks, it is able to meet the demands of any user. From applications to create your own NFTs to a competent catalog of apps to watch movies for free, to name just two examples. They can also be found apps to compress videosessential at key moments when you need to send heavy content.
Compressing a video allows you to share it online, free up space and make backups faster.
In the Google Play Store there are a large number of applications that have video compression as a premise, but the truth is that many of them do not fulfill what was promised. For this reason, in this article we are going to explain which are, really, those apps that do an exceptional job when it comes to compressing videos:
– VidCompact: is one of the most popular video compression apps on the Play Store. The user interface is excellent because it is intuitive. In the menu the app has a big “Trim and compress” button, which will carry out the entire compression process.
– Video Compress: its main goal is video compression, it is not used to edit multimedia content. When the application starts, it shows all the videos that are on the mobile so that the person immediately chooses the one they want to compress. It is very easy to use and fast.
– Video Compressor Panda Resizer: the application is one of the favorites of users because it is simple to use. Within the same menu you can immediately locate the videos you want to compress, you don’t have to go anywhere else. The app offers multiple preset resolutions and custom image quality.
– YouCut: One of its main attractions is the excellent design of its interface, it is very pretty. In addition to video compression, it is in the ability to edit content efficiently. If the user needs to modify a video, this application will be of great help for various tasks.
– Video.Guru VideoMaker: Just like YouCut, this is one of the video compression apps that can also do many other things. The menu has several options to carry out a complete video edition where the resolution of the content is not compromised, it offers high quality results.