The Apple Watch Pro will have a problem that many have not thought about

The Apple Watch Pro will have a problem that many have not thought about
the apple watch pro will have a problem that many

If you are a follower of everything that Apple launches, surely you have well marked on the calendar that next September 7, the company has an important event. In this, apart from the iPhone 14, the new generation of its smart watches will be presented and, among them, the Apple WatchPro. Well, something has been known about it that you may not like very much.

This new wearable will be a resistant evolution of the models of previous years, and for this reason it will offer unique characteristics that will make it stand out and very attractive for lovers of physical activity and extreme sports. Thus, it is believed that this new terminal will have a body with a new titanium alloy that will be very resistant, and the glass that will protect the 1.99-inch screen of the device will be sapphire. And, all this, added to the usual options such as water will not be a problem.

The aforementioned panel will lead the Apple Watch Pro to have some larger dimensions than previous smartwatches of the company. And this is what can be a problem for many. And not because of how big the equipment can be on the wrist, but because of a detail that is associated with the accessories that are usually used with smartwatches.

What is the problem in the Apple Watch Pro

Well, if everything we have commented on, there is a report that has been published and that makes it very clear that the straps that they have and that are compatible with all previous Apple Watches, they will not be able to be used in the new resistant model that the company will present next week. Therefore, if you have one that is made of leather or a prestigious brand, the investment made will not be worth anything with the smartwatch we are talking about… because your box will have no less than 47 millimeters.


This will require that the bands chosen have to be wider so that the design of the device is not broken (perhaps the old straps can be assembled, but they won’t be perfect). This, yes, will mean that Apple itself launches a new collection of this accessory for the pro model. And, for sure, there will be options that range from an important elegance to being a perfect complement to go out and play sports in all kinds of conditions. The rest of the manufacturers of these accessories will have to do the same, of course.

Some details that have been known about the new watch

Aesthetically, it will be similar to the traditional Apple Watch, but it will have some much flatter sides so that they do not pose a problem when doing any sports practice. In addition, it will have a larger battery taking advantage of the fact that it will have more space inside -being larger-. And, yes, it will not lack one of the novelties in the new generation of Apple wearables: a sensor that will allow users to know the body temperature. Of course, next week we will leave doubts.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.