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The 6 rarest and most innovative cameras in history

Cameras of Miroslav Tichý. (photo: Now Weekly)

The older models of Photo cameras they are true works of art with the precision of a watch. A monument to mechanical beauty. But over time, models are found that stand out for their design or even for their extravagance. In this article, TechSmart will present some of the most interesting, rare and innovative models in the history of the photography industry.

The old cameras are technologies worth knowing. When it was not possible to take pictures with them, they could be put as a decorative element and they would surely attract the attention of the guests to a home. Some can stand out for their shape, others for the precision that is always characteristic of engineers, and some because they are rare but innovative (for the time).

Neither the best nor the worst will be listed, but rather the ones that attract the most attention for one reason or another, because of what they have been historically or by design, which managed to mark an entire generation.

mickey mouse camera

This camera proves that a good photographer does not need a good tool but a way of thinking. Stephen Shore, one of the most important authors of the 20th century, had been working on this camera for a long time.

This is a simple toy camera, has a fixed diaphragm like a cell phone and has the popular mouse head shape. Every year they take out different models but photographers are always looking for this mythical model.

Mickey Mouse camera.  (photo: Cubahora)
Mickey Mouse camera. (photo: Cubahora)

Miroslav Tichy’s camera

This is a one of a kind camera, only one copy exists. This is the camera of a homeless photographer who built the camera with garbage to become a copycat. It’s amazing that something like this works.

Some people call Miroslav Tichý crazy, others a criminal, and some an artist. He would take pictures of the women he saw on the street with such a camera and then expose them to any surface. The effect achieved has not yet been imitated.

It is difficult to understand how this camera works, how it manages to focus the shots and what his obsession was.

Cameras of Miroslav Tichý.  (photo: Pinterest)
Cameras of Miroslav Tichý. (photo: Pinterest)

photographic rifle

This is not a recommended camera to carry. It looks more like a weapon than a creative tool. It was invented by French scientist Étienne-Jules Marey in 1882 to Record the movements of the animals.

It has a mechanical shutter that allows you to record up to 12 shots per second on the same plate, faster than some current cameras. It has a maximum speed of 1/720, which allowed to freeze the flight of birds very accurately.

Today, it is known because the Lumière brothers used it as inspiration for their famous motion camera.

Photographic rifle.  (photo: 20 Minutes)
Photographic rifle. (photo: 20 Minutes)


One of the most interesting cameras of the 1920s was overshadowed by the success of the famous Leica 35mm. It is a compact camera, with a bright f1.8 lens that allows you to take discreet photos in low light.

Its main promoter was Erich Salomon, who used it to capture, more than ever, to politicians in their leisure time, without being detected, thanks to the fact that it had a hidden camera, although working with 6×4.5 cm panels.

became famous for hide it in a briefcase and photograph one of the most publicized trials of the time.

Ermanox.  (photo: Nanjar Studio)
Ermanox. (photo: Nanjar Studio)

Contarex Bullseye

One of the most beautiful cameras ever made. And probably one of the best ever. Contarex Bullseye is Zeiss Ikon’s bid to make the best camera. Legend has it that heThe screws are glued and sealed, because they thought it would never have to be fixed.

Its name is derived from the size of the light meter at the top of the box. Not only is the body perfect, but the lens is considered the best Carl Zeiss has ever made. It was a camera ahead of its time, so its production was not in large quantities. It only exceeded 30,000 units.

Contarex Bullseye.  (photo: Wikipedia)
Contarex Bullseye. (photo: Wikipedia)

kodak brownies

This camera is as revolutionary as the first digital cameras. Nothing has been the same since then. A small box with a simple meniscus lens is the only lens that makes photography popular.

In its first version, it was provided with a rotating axis that allowed 100 shots. The camera has to be shipped and is returned to you with a printout and a refill. Nothing so simple has done so much for photography.

In a way, this camera resembles the way cell phones work today. The only thing the user can do is choose the frame and the time of the shot. And then see the results.

Kodak Brownies.  (photo: Wikipedia)
Kodak Brownies. (photo: Wikipedia)

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