In the past few hours, a lot of new rumors have emerged regarding Apple’s next smartphones, the iPhone 14, which will be unveiled on Wednesday 7...
Apple’s next generation of smartphones, the iPhone 14s, will come well equipped with satellite connectivity allowing them to make calls or send messages in dead zones....
Rumors released in recent months suggest the implementation of important changes in the next generation of Apple smartphones. According to the information, the manufacturer should introduce...
According to information from Tim Farrar, who is a satellite communications consultant for the Telecom company in California, Media and Finance Associates, they would indicate that...
A year ago, the first commercial, fully flexible, software-defined satellite was launched. He is now working for various customers. The world’s first fully reprogrammable satellite...
Although climate change is driving sea level rise over time, scientists say differences in surface height from place to place in the ocean can affect Earth’s...