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Pros and cons of turning off the router when not in use

Nowadays, we have many devices or appliances at home that we have connected to the electrical current all day, even when we do not use them. There are some that it is mandatory to have them like this, such as refrigerators, for example, but we cannot say that the same thing happens with others. One of these devices to which we refer is the router, and in this article we are going to give you some pros and cons why it is worth it or not to turn it off while we are not using it.

These devices are somewhat special, because although we are not actively using them, it may happen that there are devices in our house that are. In this sense, it may also be that there is very conflicting opinions regarding whether or not to turn off a routerbut below we are going to try to give you some reasons why you should turn off your router when you are not using it, and others why it may not be such a good idea.

Pros of turning off the router when not in use

We start by talking about the pros of turning off the router, a device that, as we have said before, is thinking to not stop working even a minute a day. This does not mean that we never have to turn it off, since in the end it is an electronic device that is consuming electricity even when we are not using it.

Light consumption

As we have just said, the router is a device always connected to the current, so as is logical will be consuming electricity 24 hours a day. This is not something exclusive to routers, since any device connected to the current that has a light on will be doing it in the same way.

Logically, we cannot speak of a general consumption for this type of device, since it will largely depend on the type of device and its brand, as well as the time period in which it is connected. It is true that the consumption of these is practically nil, and you may not save more than a few euros a year on your electricity billbut it’s still clearly a pro to turn it off when you’re not using it.


Security is possibly the biggest pro to turn off your router that you will find, especially if you have a strong WiFi network at home with devices such as mesh networks. It is a fact that our WiFi network can be the target of attack by anyone who can find it by doing a simple search, something that obviously will not happen if we have our device turned off.

Now in summer we all spend more time away from home, so it would suit you turn off your router every time you leave your home, preferably those times that you plan to do it for a long time. Imagine that during the time you are away from home, a security hole appears in your router model. If this were the case, any person with knowledge could attack our entire network without us realizing it, and for that there is no better solution than having our device turned off.


Like any electronic device, being using it will make it its useful life is slowly fading. The same is going to happen to you with any device, be it a television, a mobile phone or a computer, just to name a few examples.

In this sense, the theory says that if you are not going to use an electronic device, it is best to have it turned off, something that will increase its lifespan. However, experts do not agree on this with routers, since, as we will see a little further down, they are devices that are designed and manufactured to work longer than others.

Turn off Wi-Fi router

Turn off Wi-Fi router

Cons of turning off the router when not in use

As if it were a coin with both sides, there are also cons that tell us not to turn off the router when we are not using it. It must be taken into account, as we have said before, that there are some devices that we have connected to the router that may depend on itso if we turn it off, we will also be losing them and that may not interest us.

are ready for it

In the pros we have placed the wear, and although it seems contradictory, in the cons we must add that They are devices that are designed to work 24 hours a day.. These, in fact, have a very long useful life and it is more likely that you will end up changing it for a newer router than because it has ended up breaking due to wear.

When the routers suffer the most is when these routers have the most activity. and obviously this is something that does not happen when we are not using them. In fact, continually turning the router off and on can be worse for its components than simply leaving it on, even if we are not at home. This also goes for router reboots.

Not being able to control smart plugs and the like

Devices such as smart plugs or security cameras they need internet to work and, obviously, that implies that the WiFi of your router cannot stop reaching them. In this sense, if you have any of them or other home automation devices in your home, you will need them to always have Internet, so it would not make much sense to turn off your equipment.

This is especially important if you are one of those people who like to have the air conditioning on when they get home, or if you go on vacation and want to have your home controlled with the smart cameras that you have installed in it.

Goodbye to the landline

The fixed telephone is an element more and more forgotten by people, since, in fact, more and more operators are not offering it together with fiber optics. However, if you are a person who continues to use it, you should know that you will not be able to turn off the router if you want to continue being able to call or receive calls.

Our landline phone works under VoIP, so it will be absolutely essential that our router continues to receive electricity to be able to use it. Secondly, yes you can turn off wifisince this does not influence the landline at all.

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