How to use smartwatches to achieve training goals
Many people experience uncomfortable feeling of setting physical activity and health related goals at the beginning of the year and arriving in July without having made any progress on those goals. So, performing all the activities necessary to carry out the achievements is the most complicated part of the situation, especially starting.
However, everyone who owns a smartwatch can use it as a tool in their quest to lose weight, gain muscle, lower triglycerides, or simply improve their health. This is how the training goals are achieved with the help of these devices.
Rethink personal goals
be constantly checking the number of calories burned or the number of steps recorded on the smartwatch can become an obsession that takes people away from their real motivations to exercise.
Also, it is worth quoting what virtually all fitness trainers say about it and that is to focus on improving health, reducing stress levels and having a good time doing some kind of physical activity.
Over time the numbers on the wearable will become less of a priority.
Find a physical activity that is enjoyable
Not everyone has to go to the gym to “kill” themselves by lifting weights, doing squats, deadlifts or running on the treadmill until they feel that their legs give no more, probably, there are those who find pleasure in leaving everything in their training routines, but also there will be people looking for quieter or relaxing activities like Yoga.
And for this, in the different application stores there are platforms that provide various entertainment options, For example, Samsung Health offers several training programs and in different sports that are not just going to the gym.
Whether it’s stretching, kickboxing or cycling, up to 90 workouts can be manually tracked with the Galaxy Watch4.
train with friends
Although some people just put on their headphones and start training hoping that no one will interrupt them, there are those who need the support of social interaction to feel motivated to complete their exercise routines.
In these cases, the company of a friend would be of great help to go jogging, cycling or swimming for a while, and as applications focused on physical activity abound, there are some that allow connect several smartwatches so that everyone who is part of the group of friends can know how many calories they burned or steps they took.
To create a training team, use the Together feature in the Samsung Health app to compete challenges.
They can even participate in global monthly challenges organized by Samsung Health to reach new steps and milestones.
give yourself days off
Perhaps the only people who manage to train daily without fail, are gym instructors, fitness models or those who are professionally engaged in physical activity.
But the rest of the people with occupations other than sports might not have enough time to exercise daily, because their days are taken over by studies, work and daily tasks, something that takes them away from their goal of being more healthy.
However, it is not necessary to berate yourself or resent it because you cannot train with a high frequency to achieve the desired goals, on the contrary, it is best to learn to be more understanding with yourself and understand that not every time you can go to the gym.
Turning off reminders when you can’t exercise will help eliminate feelings of guilt.
Avoid getting overwhelmed with goals
The reason why people in most cases fail to achieve their goals is because they focus too much on aesthetic expectations, setting unrealistic and unspecific goals.
For this, it is worth considering the SMART method, whose acronym in Spanish means specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and temporary. For example, if you want to improve the state of health, this is the way to apply such a method.
Specific: find a concrete way to reach the goal . for example go swimming twice a week.
Measurable: Establish a way to realistically measure progress, in this case it may be to travel 5 kilometers per week doing strokes in the pool.
Reachable: Consider the current situation and set achievable goals in the short term, such as swimming twice in a row to the same point without stopping.
Relevant: It consists of analyzing the motivation, in this case, to be a healthier person, perhaps it could be because in the last visit the doctor the check-up did not go so well.
Temporary: set a deadline to reach the goal being honest and realistic, for example, achieving a six-month reduction in waist size. It is worth remembering that it will be very helpful to use heart rate monitoring applications, or calorie counting to measure each of the achievements.
Reminders can even be set on the device to stand up and stretch every so often.
The Samsung Health app is available on Galaxy family devices.