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How to prevent your photos from being used without permission on Instagram Reels

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In a context in which Instagram has promoted Reels so much that all videos with a duration of less than 15 minutes are already converted to that format, the possibility persists that any user can take the content of another as a basis without their permission to create your own content.

Instagram users can create their own Remixes based on content published by other users without having to ask their permission

Fortunately, Instagram has foreseen the possibility of blocking that capacity so that it can be prevent other users from borrowing other people’s images to make their own Reels.

Of course, to get the user interested in block those loans by third parties in your Remixes you must take an active part and cancel that possibility that Instagram configures by default as enabled. The way to achieve it is as follows:

-To access to the Instagram app.

-Get in in the Configuration section.

-Select the Privacy section.

-Press on the “Reels and Remix” option.

In this section there are different options among which you can establish different degrees of limitation to the use that third parties can make of the images shared from an Instagram account. The one that each user prefers can be marked or unmarked, but in the case of Remixes, the one that must be taken into account is the last one, where it will be allowed or not:

“Anyone creates Reels that include your videos or photos and downloads them as part of the Remix”

There is even a more specific option, accessible from the “More” menu in each publication, in case you want to allow all published images to be used in general, except for some specific ones.

In that case, you would almost have to go individually to each of these images that you want to preserve from use by third parties. Through the “More” menu in each of them it can be marked so that other content creators cannot use it.

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