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Facebook blocks posts about abortion pills

In recent days, a lot of information has been published about the situation in the United States, where the freedom to perform abortions has been considerably reduced due to recent political decisions.

We are talking about a country that has almost a million abortions a year, counting only those performed in clinics, with follow-up, so limiting or prohibiting abortion in this context is something really worrying.

Due to this situation, many people are posting content on Facebook related to sending abortion pills by mail to those who need them, but Facebook is canceling them.

The social network is sending out warnings, and in some cases restricting the account, when a user posts something like this, as it violates the platform’s terms of use.

Texts like “I’ll mail abortion pills to any of you” set off alarm bells immediately, sometimes within a minute of posting. If you try to post a second time, you may face an account termination.

Facebook reminds that users are not allowed to buy, sell or trade substances such as tobacco, marijuana, recreational drugs and non-medical drugs, but if the text “I am selling cigarettes” is published, nothing happens, which makes it clear that there is a massive concern with the abortion pill situation.

In cases where the account has been restricted, the penalty lasted for 24 hours.

It is not known if this reaction from Facebook started after the Supreme Court decided on the case or if it existed before, but it is clear that if it is not on Facebook, people will look for the pills elsewhere, thus starting a black market. unthinkable in 2022.

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