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Featured badges for trusted Chrome plugins

Since 2009, Chrome has been increasing its possibilities thanks to the extensions, the plugins, that the creators program on a daily basis. In this way Chrome is unique for each user, since we can use extensions appropriate to the type of work we do.

In the Chrome store we can find excellent extensions, and learn about the creators who have uploaded them.

Now Google has introduced the badge Outstanding and the badge Publisher establishedbadges that increase confidence when installing this type of program within our browser.

The Featured Badge is assigned to extensions that follow technical best practices and meet a high standard of design and user experience. In this case we have members of the Chrome team manually evaluating each extension before it receives the badge, paying special attention to the following:

– Adhere to the best practice guidelines of the Chrome Web Store, including providing a pleasant and intuitive experience, using the latest platform APIs, and respecting the privacy of end users.
– A clear and useful listing page for users, with quality images and a detailed description.

On the other hand we have the Publisher Badge Set, which shows publishers who have verified their identity and demonstrated compliance with the developer program policies. This badge is awarded to publishers who meet both of the following conditions:

– The identity of the publisher has been verified.
– The publisher has established a consistent positive track record with Google services and compliance with the Developer Program Policy.

This extension is important to prevent us from installing plugins from unknown developers that may have a vulnerability inside them, something that happens more often than it should.

They make it clear that publishers cannot pay to receive any of the badges. Requests must be made at this link.

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