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Twitter is testing a tweet status feature

We’ve already lost count of how many test features Twitter has rolled out this year, not to mention the new dynamics it’s implemented on the platform.

And now a new test is added that can bring a bit of confusion to users about the direction that Twitter aspires to pursue: the states.

Twitter is testing statuses in tweets

As TC mentions, Twitter is testing a status feature with a small group of users in the US and Australia. And according to a Twitter spokesperson, this new dynamic is intended to give some tweets more context without users having to describe the situation:

For a limited time, we’re testing a feature that allows you to add a status topic from a predetermined list to your tweets to give your followers more context.

We can see what these “states” proposed by Twitter are about in the screenshots that some users have shared in their tweets. For example, in one of the screenshots you can see that it is a brief statement accompanied by an emoji that is placed below the user’s name And of course, it only applies to the tweet that accompanies it.

Apparently, custom statuses are not supported, so users can only choose some of the options provided by Twitter. For example, “Vacation mode”, “Soon”, “Spoiler alert”, “Good morning”, among others. Perhaps the only “status” that could be useful to users is the one that allows them to indicate that the tweet is opening a conversation thread, but it doesn’t seem to add anything special to the dynamics offered by the app.

One detail to keep in mind is that this is just a test, so there is no certainty that “status” will become a stable feature within Twitter.

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