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Tricks in Excel to become an expert

Tips for Excel

Excel is a program that was launched on the market 37 years ago and since then it has been widely used in companies, so much so that It is a skill highly valued by recruiters.

However, not only is it helpful to have some basic knowledge with this tool for the job, but also, spreadsheets with personal accounts can be created and reviewed from any device, this will be much more practical than continuing to write down the expenses of the week and the month in a notebook.

Here are some tricks to apply in Excel that will make it easier to use:

How to select all cells in a sheet

An activity that is always very necessary when working with documents in Excel is to select all the cells that have been created in the same spreadsheet and this sometimes becomes tedious, especially when there is already enough information recorded. For this, it will only be enough to press the key combination CTRL+E, and if it’s a mac Cmd + A. With this command you can change format elements in less time.

How to remove blank cells

1. Select all the blank cells that you want to delete.

2. Press F5 and when the “Go to” option has been opened, select “Special”.

3. Next, click on “Blank Cells” and then type the key combination CTRL + Minus (-).

4. Finally, select the option that says “Delete rows”

5. How to find duplicate values ​​in a list

6. Select the data that you want to validate.

7. On the home tab select the “Styles” group and then click on “Conditional Formatting”.

8. Then click on “Rules to highlight cells” and finally choose the option that says “Duplicate Values”

How to edit a cell without using the mouse

Usually people who work with Excel formulas learn to perform their tasks quickly and without using the mouse, for example, if you want to edit a cell without double-clicking the mouse just press the F2 key.

How to apply currency formatting automatically

Select the data to convert and press the key combination at the same time CTR + SHIFT + 4in this way the numerical values ​​can be converted into monetary format easily and without complication.

How to import data from the web

1. Copy the link of the web page where the information you want to insert in the spreadsheet is located.

2. Now go to the “Data” tab, select “Get Data”, then choose the “From other sources” option.

3. Then you must click on “From the web” and paste the link that was copied previously.

4. As a last step, you must select the table in which you want to paste the imported information.

How to convert values ​​to percentages

Doing this without having to go through the toolbar option by option is as simple as selecting the numbers you want to convert to percentages and pressing the keys at the same time. CTRL + SHIFT + 5.

How to apply the autofilter button

To filter data in a simple way, you must locate in any cell and press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + Lthen it only remains to click on the arrow that is generated in the header of the list to start filtering the data by different aspects.


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