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The trick so that the WhatsApp backup does not take up so much

WhatsApp backup less space

WhatsApp backups are a exact duplicate of all the conversations you have had in the messaging application. It includes photos, videos, documents and audios as they are at the time we make them. But, obviously, what you write or send later, after making the backup, is not saved, so it is advisable to make the copies on a recurring basis to always have the maximum possible amount of data. In any case, logically, it will also do so because it occupies a considerable space: how can we prevent this from being the case?

WhatsApp backup, an important tool

This is for no other reason than because it is one of the applications that we use the most on our mobile, and possibly the one that occupies the most storage. It is quite normal, since the instant messaging app saves all the multimedia files, such as videos, photos, gifs, stickers…

In this way, we can ensure that the received conversations and files will be always available in case of deleting (either by accident or by changing phones) all WhatsApp information on the device, regardless of the space available on the user’s Google Drive.

This means, for its part, that everything has repercussions on the internal storage of the system. That is why, if our space is limited, WhatsApp may be to blame. So what can I do to make these WhatsApp backups take less space? We give you some tips and the ultimate trick to free up some storage.

so you can do it

Although WhatsApp makes large backups, it is possible to make these be lighter and, above all, that they take less time to complete. To do this, it is recommended to follow a series of steps that will help us reduce the size of WhatsApp backups.

The first thing you should know is that one of the main reasons why they take up so much space and, therefore, that the copy takes so long, are the videos. With them, everything that comes to us through the application is automatically compressed, but they still take up a lot of space.

To avoid this and not lose them, when they send us a video, what we have to do is hold down the video and touch share at the top. Among the options we choose Google Photos and so we can always have it at our disposal. But there are other equally accessible ways that will allow these copies to become less heavy.

Whatsapp backup space

The simplest trick to make it less heavy

Beyond this, it is important that we make it lighter because with these you will be able to preserve and restore all the conversations and content that really matters to you when you decide to register your account in case you get a new phone, for example.

In addition, this task will also be very well suited to avoid space problems with Google, which, as you know, both Gmail, Drive and Google Photos have been sharing simultaneously since last year until 15 GB of free storage; or what is the same: if you occupy everything and want more, you will have to pay to have more space. In this case, you can always opt for the following trick to make this WhatsApp backup by following these steps:

  • Open the app and click on the icon of the three vertical points in the upper right corner.
  • Accede to Settings Already Storage and data.
  • Click on Manage storage to get to the space indicator bar screen.
  • You will see the list of chats; the former are the heaviest conversations.
  • Hold down on any until select all.
  • Finally, click on the trash can icon to remove all items.
  • Repeat the process in each chat that does not interest you.

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