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Taking screenshots on Instagram without them knowing, does it work?

Many times you have seen a story on Instagram that you wanted to show someone or simply save on your mobile phone. Either for gossiping or because it’s really helpful. But usually we worry about something: can take screenshots on instagram without the other person knowing? And we answer: It depends. It depends on what you screenshot and how you screenshot it.

If you want to know all the tricks to know how to take screenshots on Instagram, keep reading these paragraphs where we explain how to do it in stories but also how you can do it in Instagram Direct and when you should be very careful to prevent the other person from getting angry or bother

Screenshots on Instagram Stories

Does Instagram notify if we are viewing stories in the application and we take a screenshot? We confirm that it is not. It has been one of the fears of users for years, but the application no longer punishes the curious or alerts in case of gossip. You must have thought about it many times: can I make a capture or will he find out? But you don’t have to worry anymore because since 2018 screenshots on Instagram are not notified. This is a feature that has been around for months but screenshot notifications are no longer available and shouldn’t be a concern because the other person won’t know, they won’t know that you save the photo.

What should you take into account? That you do see if you’ve seen someone’s content. In other words, we cannot see who has taken a screenshot, but users can see who has seen that story simply by opening it and sliding up, where we will get a list with all the people who have seen that story regardless of whether they are users who follow you on Instagram or not.


Also, a trick: usually users will always appear first in the list With whom you interact the most through comments, direct messages or through likes on the different uploaded photos and other reactions. So if you are looking for someone you talk to every day, it is normal that they appear at the top.

Screenshots in messages

Be careful, there is an option in which Instagram notifies that you have taken a screenshot: in the messages. This is where we must be careful. The photography social network allows us three options to send photos and videos through Instagram Direct. We can send the image to stay in the chat, we can allow it to be seen once, or we can allow it to be seen twice. But if we choose these options that are “self-destruct” we have the advantage that the other person cannot save our photo or cannot take a screenshot. Or, better said, you can take a screenshot but Instagram will notify us if it does. If you send, for example, a private photo. In that case you will see that a small circle appears right next to the photograph indicating that that person has saved it.

This is still valid in 2022 and it would be surprising if Instagram removed it so you should keep it in mind if you are talking to someone who has used this method to send you a photo because if you take a screenshot that person will know. Is there a way to save the image without taking a screenshot or without the other person knowing? No, unless you ask for it and use the option “keep in chat” when attaching an image.

Another option is to resort to some tricks that many users recommend. Some of them are impractical, like opening the photo and taking a picture with another phone you have at home or with any other device with a camera. The quality will not be the best but it can serve us… Of course, keep in mind that record screen is not an option and that Instagram is able to recognize that you have activated this function on your mobile, showing the screenshot circle next to the photo. Don’t risk it.


And the trick par excellence: the mode airplane. It’s not a simple or recommended trick (much better to ask the person to send you the image again if you want to avoid problems) but you can try it: put the mobile phone in airplane mode once you have received the notification of the sent photo. When you have it in airplane mode, open the photo and take the screenshot. You may find the main problem here: the photo has not been preloaded correctly. In this case, what we must do is open the image and in the time it takes for it to disappear, activate the airplane mode. We’ll have our catch made. Once you have done it, press and hold the Instagram icon on your Android mobile, open “Information of the application” and confirm with “Force stop”. As you can see in the image below, the screenshot does not appear in the first case of the photograph sent with which we have followed the airplane mode trick, and it does appear in the second.


Save stories and posts without them knowing

If we want to save a video, it is somewhat more complicated in the case of a screenshot. We can record the screen of the mobile phone but it is not always an option and then we will have to cut the video so that the format in question only comes out and not the rest of your smartphone, applications, taskbar… What other option is there to save stories? and Instagram posts? Use specialized websites and apps. As is the case with Picuki.


Picuki is a web page that allows us to save the Instagram content of anyone who has a public profile without having to resort to screenshots. What happen? That we can only do it if this person has a public profile. But if so, we can save the images both from your stories and from your gallery or feed. You simply have to go to the web and search for the profile so that the full gallery appears and you can choose the one you want. When you have the photo, click on “to download” and it will be stored on your computer or mobile phone.

download Picuki

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