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How to save your favorite web pages in PDF to view them offline whenever you want

Saving your favorite web pages in PDF format is the fastest, easiest and most efficient way to ensure that they will always be available so that you can consult them, even if you don’t have an Internet connection, even in the hypothetical (and unfortunate) case that they end up disappearing for one reason or another.

The process is very simple, it will not take you more than a few seconds, and with a little patience you will be able to create a collection of contents of your favorite web pages in PDF that, later, you can consult whenever you want, and without having to depend on your Internet connection. This is a tool that, in my case, I often use to prepare work days when I am going to be away from home and I am not going to have a good Internet connection.

Thus, for example, when I make a trip to a natural area to spend a few days and I start working for a few hours I do not depend on an internet connection to access the information I need, and I can write my texts fluently and without any problem. This is just one of the many uses that the option of saving a web page in a PDF has, but it could give you many others, such as making backup copies of content and useful information, and capturing documents or things. important to share with family and friends.

How to save in PDF MuyComputer

How to save a web page to a PDF step by step

  • Type the address of the web page you want to save as a PDF.
  • Enter the section or area of ​​the same that interests you.
  • Press “Control + P” on your keyboard. This shortcut will open the print menu you see in the attached image.
  • In the area on the right you will see a menu with different options. Under “Destination” choose “Microsoft Print to PDF”.
  • You can adjust the orientation if you prefer portrait or landscape viewing, and you also have the ability to save it in color or black and white, adjust the margins, and change the scale.
  • The last two options are important, as they allow add graphic elements that would not be saved by defaultsuch as background graphics and headers.
  • Choose where you want the PDF to be saved and the name what you want to put on it, and that’s it, you’re done.

capture pdf mc

In the second image we show you that you can also use the option to save in PDF with any section of your favorite web pages, although you must be careful with the scale, since some parts of the text may be cut off if you do not reduce it to an adequate level. , as is the case of said image, where we see that we have rescaled to 84%.

Once you have finished you will be able to view all the web pages that you have saved in PDF as many times as you want, and without the need for an Internet connection. If you need a good PDF file reader, don’t miss this article.

MC Basics

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