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How to properly clean any headset of any brand

It is well known that electronic devices tend to store high amounts of bacteria, and in the current times where we must take care of ourselves more than everit does not hurt to clean these devices from time to time.

This is where a big question arises for those who use headphones frequentlyDo they clean them properly to remove bacteria?

Well, if you belong to this group of people and you don’t know how to properly clean hearing aidsbelow you can read about how to do it, and all based on the same recommendations of the brands so that your headphones do not suffer any damage or mishap.

Clean the outer surfaces of the earphones first

Clean the outer surfaces of the earphones

This is one of the most important points, since on the outer surfaces can get to store dirt, dust and earwax. Each brand recommends cleaning this area in a different way, and this is what the most important indicate:

Samsung: the South Korean brand indicates that dust, earwax and general dirt can cause the headphones not to sound at their full capacity and the sound is literally covered, so Samsung’s recommendation is to carry out cleaning with cotton swabs and/or dry brushesin order to remove dirt residues.

Apple: On the part of those in Cupertino, Apple in fact recommends cleaning with towels impregnated with isopropyl alcohol, 70% to be precise, 75% ethyl alcohol wipes or Clorox disinfecting wipes.

Of course, they are very specific in that you do not pass any of the products mentioned on the mesh of the EarPods, AirPods and AirPods Pro, as this could damage them internally. For AirPods Max, use a dry, lint-free towel.

Huawei: This brand recommends using alcohol or antibacterial wipes to clean a little the outer area of ​​the headphones themselvesbut not the speaker meshes, charging ports, plugs, contacts, air outlet grills, etc.

Clean the grills and microphone of the headphones

Clean the grilles of your headphones

For this specific point, regardless of the brand or model of the headset, the ideal is that you use dry cotton swabs to clean the grills and microphone of the hearing aids, thus removing any residue of garbage and earwax that you have deposited in these areas.

Even if you wanted to do a deep or complete cleaning in case something is wrong inside the headphones, depending on the brand you could open them and clean them with a dry cotton swabalthough yes, very carefully and taking into account the recommendations of the brand of your hearing aids.

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