Criminal Assets Bureau to name and shame criminals under proposed new powers

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0 helen mcentee collins photo agency dublin.jpg

The Criminal Assets Bureau could have the power to publish information on criminals who have made settlements with the Bureau under proposals being considered by the Justice Minister.

Products and properties deemed to be bought with the proceeds of crime by the High Court can be seized by the CAB.

The homes of criminals are often seized by the Bureau which are typically sold at auction. There have been calls for these properties to be added to relevant Local Authorities social housing stock.

Read more: Criminal Assets Bureau target close associate of senior Kinahan cartel member

Justice Minister Helen McEntee said naming criminals that have made settlements with the CAB will “act as a deterrent”.

She told the Independent: “I think in some way it might and hopefully will act as a deterrent, but also very clearly show the community and the public who the CAB are dealing with, who they’re working with.”

“Hopefully, that will in itself be something that strengthens the CAB a little bit further.”

The Fine Gael Minister also wants to shorten the length of time it takes for the CAB to seize assets from seven to three and a half years.

She said: “What that essentially means is you could have a criminal whose house it has an order on it, but they can live in the house for seven years before it actually goes into the Exchequer and before anything can happen to it.

“And for me, that’s too long, and the review highlighted that as well. In that type of a situation, you don’t have someone left being able to enjoy their gains from criminality.”

Read more: Designer bags, watches and cash seized following searches in Meath

Read more: Stalking to carry ten-year jail sentence under new law

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Brian Adam
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