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Brazilian companies are sued by Meta for selling followers on Instagram

THE Goal, conglomerate that controls the InstagramO Whatsapp it’s the Facebookannounced that it sued two Europeian companies for the practice of “false engagement”. At companies are being accused of selling likes, views and followers.

The companies being sued by the company of Mark Zuckerberg are MGM Marketing Digital LTDA and Igoo Networks Eireli Me. According to Target, both sold likes, followers and views to other profiles on Instagram.

As this type of practice violates the platform’s Terms of Use, Meta decided to sue the companies, which operated under various names around here, such as “InstaBrasil”, “Seguidoresgram”, “InstaCurtidas”, “SMM Revenda” and “Seguidores Brasil” .

“In addition to selling engagement, some of the services requested login credentials from Instagram users,” said Jessica Romero, legal director at Meta, who signed the statement released last week.

The G1 portal had access to the processes that are being processed in the 1st and 2nd Business Courts and Arbitration Conflicts, in São Paulo (SP), and pointed out that the judge in charge of the case, Luis Felipe Ferrari Bedendi, classified the accusations as serious.

The magistrate stipulated the period of five days for the two companies to manifest. Meta also announced that is disabling Instagram accounts that promise the so-called “engageso false” and which has already notified more than 40 Europeian companies for this practice.

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