There has been talk for some time about the Telegram project aimed at introducing a premium subscription which, for a monthly fee, will provide a series of features not included in the basic package. The questions that these rumors have generated therefore concern: how much is the extra outlay and what you get in return. Both are trying to answer new rumors rumors based on a beta version of the client.

Telegram beta contains all the details about the premium subscription, including a reference to the monthly fee of $ 4.99 (may be 4.99 euros), but the subscription is not yet activated. To offset the outlay, the developers of the popular messaging app will give in exchange:
- limits doubled: up to 1,000 channels, 20 chat folders, 10 pins, 4 accounts (in one app), 200 pins within a folder, 20 public links for channels and groups, 10 favorite stickers and 400 Gig
- upload a single 4GB file against the 2GB currently allowed
- additional characters in the biography: You can use up to 140 characters in the profile bio, instead of just 70
- additional characters in the captions: You will be able to enter longer descriptions for photos and videos
- faster downloads: Unlimited speed for downloading multimedia files and documents
- voice-to-text transcription: the premium version will provide a function for the automatic transcription of voice messages
- no advertising in public channels
- new animated reactions to messages
- premium stickers: new stickers with additional effects and monthly updates
- advanced chat management: new tools to set the default folder, auto archive and hide new chats from those who are not part of your circle of contacts
- hallmark in profile: a special badge next to the user’s name will indicate that he has chosen to actively support Telegram by subscribing to the subscription
- animated profile pictures– Animated avatars in chat lists and within chats
- premium app icon to choose from a selection
There is a lack of certain information on the activation date of the new premium subscription, but it seems that the picture is sufficiently defined and that Telegram already has clear ideas on what to offer. Pending confirmation – please note that the information is not yet official – one may wonder if the offer is worth the price at which it is proposed. Would you pay around 5 euros to have what is described?