Apple claims that the AirTags battery should last about a yearso if you purchased any of these tags at launch, it’s a good time to check how much charge you have left.
It is difficult to know for sure how long a battery will last, because it depends on its use. In any case, if your AirTag battery needs to be replaced, your iPhone will notify you.
How to check the battery of your AirTag
On your iPhone, open the Search application and, there, tap on Objects in the bottom row. Next, choose one of the AirTags and, in the panel that appears, look for a battery icon
Apple does not provide the exact battery charge percentage, just an icon. So it’s not very accurate, but you can easily see when it’s starting to get low.
Under what conditions does the battery last 1 year?
Apple’s estimate of one year of battery life is based on testing under a specific use case, based on Technical specifications:
Battery life is based on everyday use, with four Sound Playback uses and one Precision Seeking use per day.
Battery life depends on usage, environmental conditions, battery manufacturer, and many other factors. Actual results may vary.
In my case, I still have more than 50 percent battery life on three of my AirTags received in May, and just under 50 percent on another.