Tech News

Artificial Intelligence to deceive future customers

A few years ago I commented that it was important to define bases in the world of AI so that the subject does not get out of hand, and time, unfortunately, has proved me right.

Artificial Intelligence systems manage to study an immense amount of data so that they can make decisions in completely new situations, and that can be used, like everything else, to do both good and evil.

Today we have known a proposal that uses AI to create texts automatically to get new clients. You just have to put a url and the system analyzes the client’s company and creates texts like “I have been looking at your company, or your profile, and I am really impressed with what you have managed to do during the last five years. I wanted to take the opportunity to…”

In short, he creates phrases to deceive the future client, since the seller has neither analyzed the url, nor has he studied the client’s profile, nor has he carried out any study such as those indicated in the text.

In this case it is sigmamail, but the idea is being seen more and more in all sectors. They present it like this:

Simply enter your prospect company’s website, domain, LinkedIn, or Crunchbase URL and generate hundreds of personalized sentences with the click of a button.

In the media, without going any further, we receive emails from people who are impressed with the articles published to offer advertising partnerships, even though they don’t even speak our language. They just put a random url in the middle and an automatic system is responsible for generating random compliments to cajole

The idea is clear. If you want to create personalized emails, personalize them, do not sell something automatic as something personalized, because it is not.

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