A little over two months ago Apple presented iOS 16, although its first stable version will not arrive until September. However, and despite the fact that it is still only compatible with iPhone, there are those who have already taken advantage of this time to create an Android launcher that looks like iOS 16.
Literally called “Launcher iOS 16”, this is still one of the many themes that imitate other operating systems on Android. Although the truth is that they have been very well inspired when creating it, since perfectly mimics many elements that will release the iPhone soon.
A very complete and customizable iOS 16 theme
This launcher has been created by LuuTinh Developer, a developer who, from what can be seen on his Google Play file, tries to bring the visual experience of iOS to Android phones. Proof of this is that it has other apps that try to imitate the iPhone control center, the iOS 15 lock screen, and even the famous iOS AssistiveTouch.
Precisely some of the aforementioned apps that the creator of Launcher iOS 16 has are necessary for this transformation of the mobile. And it is that, yes, it will be necessary to download other related apps to finish tuning the system. This launcher should also be configured as the system startup so that, as soon as we turn it on, we already have our terminal iOSized.
Another negative section is that contains advertising when configuring the different customization options it offers. However, it is understandable that in the end all the tools are free.
At the moment in which we already have all the necessary ones, we can appreciate that not only the interface compendium is very similar to that of iOS, it is that imitate even small details like context menus when you long press an app. Also the perfectly integrated and customizable application library, which iOS does not allow.
Needless to say, in case you were still wondering, Apple has nothing to do with this creation. It is all the work of the aforementioned developer. You can try it yourself on your mobile by downloading the application from Google Play. And it is that, as the analyst Parker Ortolani pointed out on his Twitter accountthe app has already accumulated more than 50 million downloads.
Launcher iOS 16
- Price: Free
- Developer: LuuTinh Developer
- Download at: google play