This year, WhatsApp started releasing important new features in the application, increasing the privacy of messenger users with the implementation of new features aimed at conversations and account security, such as the possibility to delete messages for everyone within 36 hours, for example.
In addition to the new features, leaks also show that Meta (formerly Facebook) is committed to announcing more tools soon, such as blocking screenshots in single-view messages and the ability to hide the phone number for businesses.
According to information on the portal WABetaInfo, the desktop beta recently received a new functionality that allows you to edit messages after sending. This function has been available for a long time on Telegram, Meta’s main rival, and should soon be available for the entire WhatsApp community.
Apparently, for now this novelty is restricted to the testers channel and for now there is no forecast of release in the stable version of the application. As shown in the images, tapping on the desired message is possible to change it, replacing the original content with the new one without much difficulty.
As with other platforms, it is possible for WhatsApp to alert the recipient of the message with the status of “Edited” indicating that the text has been modified by the sender, but without the possibility of consulting the history of changes.
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