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Using the router as a repeater: what to consider?

Use wifi repeater router

One of the main headaches that can sometimes arise in our homes is that the WiFi does not have enough connection, and, due to this, we cannot perform some tasks. Some examples are downloading files, watching a movie, or installing a program. This is where the router appears, who can be used as a repeater device with which we will achieve our purpose.

An old router as a salvation for your bad connection

This is how we can use an old router to expand coverage Internet from your home. To achieve this, you will only have to configure it so that it can do that function, and connect it to your home network. Depending on the model and the years it has, this process will be more or less simple.

If your old router is relatively new, it can be done wirelessly, acting as a WiFi repeater, extending the signal coming from your main router. But if it’s a older model you will probably need to have the old router connected via a Ethernet cable with your main router for your network extension to work.

Also, the practical alternative of becoming a repeater is included in some routers. However, others require individualized firmware to fulfill this function. In your case, you can also investigate in the manual of your router if you have the possibility of using a second router to repeat the signal or use it as a bridge.

what you should know

Thus, if our home is spacious or has really thick structures, we may find ourselves with these wireless connection problems, that is, we have signal problems around our home, resulting in dead spots or no connection, which is really annoying when working, for example.

Although it may not seem like it, WiFi repeaters are equipment with a simple operation, but very useful and that you will be grateful to have at home, especially if it is one of large dimensions. There is also the possibility that you are in need of one and have not realized it. And as a curious fact, these teams work with both frequencies.

Use wifi repeater router

First of all, we warn you that this step has pros and cons. The negative part is that we will surely have to buy a device to be able to send the network signal to an old router. In case the router is quite old, it may be unable to provide all the connection that we have contracted.

However, and in order to connect it to our home network, we can do it in one of the devices that we list below: PLCs, WiFi repeaters or Mesh network devices. The ideal situation would be for your home to be wired with Ethernet outlets in other rooms. In this way, we could connect the main router to one of the sockets, in order to send the signal to all parts of our house, always having good coverage.

How to set it up

Once we have connected the router to our main network, it is time to configure it. We must connect a computer to the device and in the browser, look for the following code: or Some of these will end up directing you to the configuration, where we will write the router administrator password.

Once we reach this point, everything will depend on the options offered by our router. In case we are lucky, we can find an option to configure the router in repeater mode, so we only have to activate it and connect to the closest network we have.

At the same time, this process will be easier and almost automatic if the old router has the option to configure it in mode AP (Access Point). Finally, check if this is the case in the configuration menu of the router that will act as a repeater.

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