It was expected for the end of the month and it has been advanced a few days: Telegram Premium is already a reality. The new paid version of the instant messaging system is now available and will serve to support the growth of the company – whose app has always been free until now – and will allow its subscribers to enjoy additional functions.
Telegram Premium is now available to all users of the messaging app
As Telegram has pointed out, the traditional app will continue to be free and will retain all its functions, but… what are the benefits of having Telegram Premium, for which you will have to pay $4.99 per month or equivalent in euros? The advantages are the following:
-4 GB uploads: Until now, Telegram users can upload large media files, up to 2GB each. In addition, they have unlimited storage in the Telegram cloud for free.
Well, Telegram Premium users who pay the monthly fee will be able to send 4 GB files, which is enough space for 4 hours of 1080p video, or 18 days of high-quality audio.
Of course, all Telegram users, whether or not they subscribe to the payment plan, will be able to download these extra large files. The functionality for the paid ones is that they will be the ones who can upload them.
-Faster downloads. Premium users will be able to download the files at the fastest speed possible, without any limitations.
-Duplicate limits. Premium users will have higher limits for most of the instant messaging app’s features. For example, the number of channels they can follow is 1,000, while they can create up to 20 chat folders with up to 200 chats each, add a fourth account in any Telegram app, pin 10 chats to the main list and save up to 10 favorite stickers.
In addition, they will be able to write a longer “bio” than the rest, and they will also be able to include a link in it. In the comments they will be able to include more characters and they will have the possibility of setting up to 400 favorite GIFs. In the same way, they can reserve up to 20 public links for their groups or channels.
-Voice to text. In Telegram Premium voice messages can be converted to text. Additionally, subscribers can rate transcripts to help improve them.
-Unique stickers. Telegram Premium users can use exclusive full screen stickers, which will be updated month by month.
-Unique reactions. Subscribers will have 10 new emojis to react to messages.
-Chat management. Telegram Premium includes new tools to organize the list of chats. For example, you can change the default chat folder so that the app always opens in a custom folder. Just long press a folder in the chat list > Reorder > and drag your preferred folder to the first space.
Additionally, subscribers can turn on an option in Privacy & Security to automatically archive and mute new chats.
-Animated profile photos. Premium users’ profile videos will be animated and viewable by all users, paid or not.
-Premium badges. Subscribers receive a special badge that appears next to their names in chat lists, headers, and member lists in groups, showing that they support Telegram and are in the club of those who get features first.
-Premium app icons. They will also have new icons for the home screen.
-No advertising. Telegram shows sponsored messages on channels -not in all countries- that will no longer appear to subscribers of the Premium version.
Telegram has indicated that it will continue to develop more features for its paid version, but that does not mean that it will abandon the free version, which will also grow and receive improvements.