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Google tablet friendly app: current status and promises for the future


During I / O 2022, Google announced that “over 20” of its apps will be updated in the coming months with an interface optimized for tablets. It is a particularly relevant novelty in the Android world, because it is part of an initiative that aims to return to push more on this class of devices, but it is legitimate to assume (and at least in some cases confirmed) that iPad users will also benefit. . For the moment the details are vague, but let’s try to make a Complete picture which we will update as new information arrives.


Of the “over 20” apps announced, Google showed quick previews of only a fraction of them. We do not know when the updates will be live, however here is the list below with all the details that emerged – official and evident from the images (mainly the mockup collage you see above). The listing number equals the position in the image gallery just below. Unfortunately, most screenshots are small, of poor quality and in some cases even cropped.

  1. Calculator: two column layout.
  2. Family Link: left side navigation column, nice wide and with textual descriptions of each section.
  3. Gmail: left side navigation bar (buttons centered vertically) with “hamburger” button at the top to expand it.
  4. Google Duo: controls collected in an overlay at the bottom center of the screen.
  5. Google Home: left side navigation bar (buttons centered vertically).
  6. Google Lens: support for landscape mode for visual search.
  7. Google One: left side navigation column, extensive use of cards for content in the main section.
  8. Google Play Store: side navigation bar on the left and search field at the top. Cards side by side to show contents.
  9. Google TV: left side navigation bar (buttons centered vertically) with search button at the top.
  10. Messages: two column layout.
  11. Clock: left side navigation bar (buttons centered vertically) and two-column layout.


  1. Google Maps. There is already a two-column view, but the bottom navigation bar will be shortened to fit only in the left section.
  2. Google Translate. The general layout will remain mostly the one known for some time but the elements will be a little better arranged on the screen.
  3. YouTube Music. The two-column view already introduced in recent months should extend to playlists and other elements of the interface.
  4. YouTube: it was shown together with the rest of the apps but it is not immediately understandable what will change.

For completeness, we conclude the article with the list of apps already well optimized for tablets and on which Google has not yet ruled on any updates.

  • File
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Chrome
  • Google Photos
  • YouTube



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