Home Tech News>Mobile Google will block call recording apps on May 11

Google will block call recording apps on May 11


There are plenty of apps that let you record calls on the Play Store, though it’s not always easy to get them to work.

But soon the May 11, 2022, Google will end third-party call recording apps forever.

As Google mentioned in a developer webinar a new Play Store policy will come into force soon that will not allow apps to use the Accessibility Service for call recording.

As Google has stated, “The Accessibility API is not designed and cannot be requested for audio recording of remote calls.”

For years, Google has been trying to crack down on these call recording apps, blocking the conventional channels and APIs through which they operate. As a last resort, developers have made use of the Android Accessibility Service.

It’s very probable that Google will soon start removing apps from the Play Store that don’t comply with its new Accessibility Service policies. It will be curious to see if call recording app developers find any other loopholes.



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