Wordle is a game to guess words that has become a trend so far this year. Surely you have seen contacts on social networks who shared their results on platforms like Twitter. Extremely addictive, it allows you to play only once a day to guess a word in the least number of attempts possible.
Wordlebot has been developed by The New York Times newspaper
The English version of Wordle was acquired by The New York Times in early February of this year. The American newspaper wanted to ensure all the traffic caused by the thousands of players a day that Wordle had, and for this it paid out an amount of money that is unknown but has more than six figures.
Now The New York Times has created an online tool that allows people who are hooked on Wordle to find out if they are a good player or not. It is a kind of x-ray that analyzes your Wordle player profile.
It’s called WordleBot and accessing it is completely free. This program analyzes your Wordle player profile based on three main variables:
-Ability: Under this section it is studied if the player has hit the words using the minimum possible attempts. You must bear in mind that Wordle allows up to six attempts when guessing the words, what happens is that the fewer attempts you use, the more skillful you will be in this game.
-Luck: In this sense, it is analyzed whether each of the attempts you make eliminates more possibilities than expected or not. Keep in mind that it is not only important to guess the position of each letter, but it is also important to find letters that are part of the word but that are not in that same located position.
-Attempts: It is a numeric variable. Of the six attempts available, how many have you used, without taking into account anything else.
To access WordleBot and review your profile as a Wordle player, all you have to do is play your daily game and go to the following link. There you can see how you play Wordle and compare it with what other users do. And if you want to know tricks to play Wordle, here we leave you a few.