Home Tech News Windows 11 will strengthen its relationship with Android

Windows 11 will strengthen its relationship with Android


The movement of bringing Android apps to Windows 11 has undoubtedly been a very smart move by Microsoft. And it is that, although the adoption of the new operating system of those from Redmond does not go as fast as they would like, it is indisputable that this novelty makes Windows 11 very attractive for many, especially for those who already use the operating system from Google on their mobile devices, and who now see the possibility of extending the use of their apps to the PC.

At Microsoft they are aware of this, but also that the relationship between Windows 11 and Android is still, let’s say, a bit basic. And it is that in most cases, it is limited to being able to install and run a selection of apps from the Amazon Android application store, and some additional function through Mobile Link (the old “Your Phone”), with one important exception, a selection of Samsung smartphones, with which the functions are greatly extended.

This, however, could be close to change. Not for the worse in Samsung devices, of course, but for the better with others that, until now, have only been able to count on the basic functions (which, however, are quite a few more than those offered by Mobile Link for iPhone users) , and that seem to be part of Microsoft’s plans regarding Windows 11 and its improvement of support and interoperability with Android.

Windows 11 will strengthen its relationship with Android

And it is that, as we can read in Windows Latest, Microsoft has decided to unify all its work teams dedicated to Android in a new division called Android Microsoft Platform and Experience, for which it has also published some job offers. In its description it is stated that its objective «ands bring together Mobile Link / Your Phone apps/services, SwiftKey, Microsoft Launcher and other services, including the ‘Surface Duo experience’«. In other words, key elements of Windows 11 when it comes to Android integration.

At the moment it is not clear what steps Microsoft intends to take in the improved interoperability between Android and Windows 11, but it is likely that it will not take long to see how some of those functions that were exclusive to Android devices jump to many other devices from other manufacturers. . And it makes sense to think that most of the advances have to do, not so much with the compatibility with more apps, but with the deployment of new and improved integration and continuity functions, in the line opened by Apple some time ago with iOS and macOS.



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