Although it seems that Windows 11 expansion is not going as fast as expected, currently experiencing a small stagnation, it seems that more and more users are gradually making the leap. Or so at least the latest Steam survey shows, in which the new operating system is still growing steadily.
For years, Steam has carried out a monthly survey to collect data on the type of hardware and software used by its users, sharing really useful information when analyzing the technologies and products present among the gaming public.
Thus, the latest data shared in this April Steam survey shows that Windows 11 again increased by 2.06% during this first month of the second trimester, almost reaching 19% of the market share (with 18.94%), in favor of other versions of Windows. Meanwhile, macOS and Linux experienced small increases, remaining at roughly the same and still very low values, with a presence of 2.55% and 1.14% respectively.
And it is that although Windows holds an overwhelmingly dominant position on Steam, with a participation of no less than 96.31% (-0.26% in April 2022), the 64-bit version of Windows 10 continues to be the most popular option, occupying 73.55% of the computers in the list. gaming platform, despite its small drop of -1.14% during this month. However, it is surprising that, despite continuing to experience a regular decrease, there are still computers with the 64-bit version of Windows 7, which remains in third place with a share of 2.93%.
However, the growth of Windows 11 among Steam users compared to the stagnation of the rest of consumer users seems somewhat more justified, since gamers can find some hardware features and optimizations in the new operating system.
Other Steam Survey Data
Taking advantage of this framework, we review other of the most relevant hardware data from this survey provided by Valve, which shows us the average values ​​of desktop PCs used by its users around the worldpowered by Intel quad-core processors at speeds between 2.3 and 2.69 Ghz, supported by NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 graphics cards, along with configurations of 16 GB of RAM and storage greater than a terabyte, and main monitors with FullHD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.