The almost non-existent differences between a WiFi booster and WiFi repeater cause confusion. Even big box stores use them interchangeably. Today we are going to try to take a closer look at what each one offers and which one could be better for you to improve the wireless coverage in your home.
Both have as their main mission to provide Wi-Fi coverage in our homes and workplaces. However, although in some situations both can perform the same tasks, we will see how one of them is more complete than the other.
What is a WiFi booster?
As its name indicates, the WIFI amplifier it connects to your router and tries to improve the existing signal. Your router can broadcast wireless signals for a certain area. If we use the one that the operator installs by default, generally the power of its antennas is not very high and that will reduce the range and penetration of the signal.

WIFI amplifier
A WiFi signal booster expands the coverage space of the WiFi network by increasing or amplifying existing signals: converts a weak signal into something more useful to which you can connect all your devices.
You can transmit the signals to a larger radius with wireless amplifiers. Boosters have a strong antenna, so they pick up the signal and amplify it. This type of wireless signal enhancement is ideal for large, flat spaces. It will not reduce the speed of the network or the quality of the connection, it will simply make the range that the wireless signal can cover wider and, therefore, more distant devices can connect via WiFi with a good percentage of signal.
And the repeater?
The WiFi repeater, on the other hand, takes the original signal that the wireless router emits and replicates this signal in another room of the house. In this case, the router sends the signal to the repeater and the repeater retransmits the signal to the new zone. A wireless repeater (also called a wireless range extender) takes an existing signal from a wireless router or wireless access point and retransmits it to create a second network. In this way, you have two different areas covered.

WIFI repeater
A repeater is the perfect device to broadcast signals in spaces where the normal signal cannot reach. For example, if you want to cover another floor of your house with a good WiFi signal, or if you want to establish a connection in the basement, using a repeater is a great option. However, it is less effective in open spaces, as it can reduce broadband speeds.
Choose between one or the other
The best thing to do when you are looking for a new device to increase WiFi coverage is not to judge by the name, but to read the specifications of the device and decide if it is right for you.

WiFi and many simultaneous devices
As we mentioned, it will depend a lot on the type of home, office or place where you want to improve the wireless connection and what provision it has. For flat places, an amplifier may be best.
On the other hand, if you need to make the signal bounce around several floors or places that are previously unconnected, it is better to choose a repeater. Of course, the WiFi loses power as we move away from the router, and if the repeater receives little signal, it will extend a poor quality signal.