One of the great virtues of the WhatsApp application is the excellent backward compatibility it offers with operating systems that it has had for some time. But, over time, the company announces that it will stop supporting some developments that are especially old. And this is just what has happened with two of Apple’s jobs and their iPhones. Generally, this is due to the arrival of new functions that cannot be implemented due to the use of an old operating system and, also, due to the lack of support from the developer company that does not ensure the best security. The fact is that, according to the data that has been known, both iOS 10 and iOS 11 will lose compatibility with the new versions of WhatsApp that are released. And besides, there is not much left for it. When does the app stop being supported? Well, according to the source of the information, users who have a device with the versions of the operating system that we have mentioned before are already receiving the corresponding notifications to update to iOS 12 in the event that it is possible for them. If not, it has set a date for the app to stop working on its terminals: October 24. There is time, no doubt, but it is best to adapt as soon as possible if you have the possibility. The truth is that this decision is logical, because we are talking about software that has been around for a long time. An example of what we say is that iOS 10 was launched on the market on September 13, 2016. A long time in what has to do with the world of technology and, surely, that sections such as security or internal work options of operating systems have holes that are not easy to fix to implement new features in WhatsApp. The iPhones that are most affected If you have any doubts about which Apple phones are affected due to not being able to access iOS 12, these are both the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c. Therefore, we are talking about devices that are quite old and, in principle, the decision does not have to affect a large number of users. But, surely, more than one continues to use some of these two mobiles, even if it is to surf the Internet and receive messages. A final detail, if you wonder if the abandonment of old versions of operating systems affects Android, the answer is yes. Currently, all terminals that have Android 4.1 or later are the only ones that can use the WhatsApp messaging application. In other words, beans are cooked everywhere. >