On many occasions, a 3D professional only has 2D images to start his work. The client gives him a drawing and the professional has to create a three-dimensional model based on said drawing, imagining the areas that are not seen in the image in question.
That job can take hours, even days, depending on the complexity of the drawing at hand, but now we have an AI that can help with the task.
This is Kaedim, and they demonstrate it in this video:
Konstantina Psoma is the founder of Kaedim, a platform that transforms 2D sketches or photos into 3D content, helping artists and 3D teams speed up their workflow, creating prototypes much faster. The tool can create the base of the model, and the artist will only have to do touch-ups or correct some possible errors.
The AI ​​is necessary to calculate the depth from a drawing, since it has been trained with millions of images so that the error is the minimum.
They comment that there is a growing demand to allow end users to create their own 3D content, complete and customize games, especially now that the metaverse is on everyone’s lips, and that is why they have now released an API for user-generated content. in 3D. In this way they allow developers to offer the possibility of creating 3D content also to their end users.
The API business model is based on usage credits, and it’s not cheap at all. The $2,000+ per month license offers 500 credits, so it’s only worth it if someone works on that theme and makes a lot more than that $2,000 invested.
You can learn more details at kaedim3d.com.