It’s not a secret that work has been going on for a long time to offer Telegram Premium, a paid service that would offer advanced options to those who make intensive use of this very complete messaging application. Well, a leak shows many of the possibilities that will exist… including the cost of the monthly subscription. The latter is important, since depending on the quantity (and the additions that are achieved), it can be thought that this new option will or will not be successful in the market. The fact is that what you have to pay as a fee to access Telegram Premium is the following: $4.99. The logical thing is to believe in a direct change to euros. The truth is that it is not something especially crazy, but it is not as low as what some supposed. Therefore, it must be said that the company is taking a good risk with the movement and it remains to be seen if many users decide to take the plunge. The news that will come to Telegram Premium Basically, what will be done is to duplicate what is already offered by the functions that exist in the free version of the messaging service -although there will be exclusive options-, so we are talking about offering much more use advanced. In this way, those who have this application as their usual work center can consider the option of paying for the subscription (always bearing in mind that everything that is offered free of charge does not suffer any variation, which is a complete success ). This is what has been known to offer the new Telegram Premium payment version: Animated profiles: the image you put on the profile can be animated, in the purest GIF style, This will make seeing you in the application more striking. In addition, there will be an identification element that shows that you are a Premium user. Stickers and reactions: here there will be exclusive options that those who use a free account will not have. They will be more attractive and with many effects, and they will be renewed monthly. Therefore, you will be able to show different things that will surely give you a unique character. Improved files: this has to do both with the download speed, which will be higher for those who have a Telegram Premium account, and when it comes to supporting sizes bigger. In the latter case, 4 GB will be reached, doubling what is already offered and has just been announced by WhatsApp. No ads: any type of advertising that may exist in the messaging service would not exist in the paid version. An improvement that could be important for many and that, obviously, has to do with exclusivity. Advanced chat management: tools are added that allow you to optimize the possibilities that exist to establish the configuration that best suits the way in which you use the app. Disguise; file; or the way to go from one to another… all of this will be new and differential. New icons: different options will be offered so that the one that best suits your way of being will be placed on the smartphone or tablet. It is something aesthetic, yes, but users usually like it a lot because of how different it is. To this we must add other minor options that will be part of Telegram Premium, such as everything that has to do with T.ME public links that will double the amount that can be used, or being able to save many more personal GIFs reaching 400. We will see if all this is enough for subscriptions to be high, something that remains to be seen, but that would not be disposable. >