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This is how the new DoNotSpy11 works to improve the privacy of Windows 11


DoNotSpy11 is the new version of a tool that became tremendously popular when it was released for Windows 10. Privacy was and continues to be a section that any user who uses the latest Microsoft operating systems has to deal with.

Privacy in Windows 10 was a controversial aspect since launch. The first versions were terrible and the initial configuration left the user “sold” by the massive data collection and the lack of transparency and control. After widespread criticism from customers, media, and institutions, and requests for investigation by data regulators in several regions, Microsoft announced news, promising to reduce data collection and improve transparency with a dashboard-independent diagnostic data viewer. privacy, whose interface was also improved so that the user had greater control.

The situation has been improving in the successive versions of Windows 10 and also in Windows 11, although the system continues to record a telemetry that Microsoft places exclusively for “functional and security” issues and that cannot be deactivated, and also requires management from the user that involves reviewing innumerable screens to gain control.

We have already seen applications like Privatezilla in the past that help the user in this task and now we leave you another one that has just appeared this week, based on the one we already knew, but updated. It still works for Windows 10 as well.

DoNotSpy11, now for Windows 11

Its use is as simple as downloading the application from its website, installing and using it, although be careful not to be fooled by its small size and apparent simplicity: it is very powerful and you have to know what you are doing. Like all software that modifies internal elements of Windows, we recommend using restore points. The same application supports manual creation of restore points from the Actions menu.


From there, all available settings are listed on the main interface. And they are not few. There are more than 140 functions related to privacy which can be managed. Settings are sorted into categories, from system items to apps, Edge browser, search, Defender antivirus, and even Windows Update.

DoNotSpy11 has a search that helps filter what is being searched for. There are quite a few settings enabled by default. Each one of them is assigned a color that provides security information. The blue settings are safe to use, while the red settings are not recommended for most users. The orange ones have additional text with information and the gray ones highlight the changes since the last time the application was started.

This is how the new DoNotSpy11 works to improve the privacy of Windows 11 30

In all cases, when you select a particular setting, the software provides a description with additional information about the functionality of the feature it controls.

We put this DoNotSpy11 in our “Basics” section not because of its lack of power but because of its simplicity of use, insisting on the need to create restore points to be able to return the system to a previous state if we make a mistake in something and disable more functions than expected. Similar in functions and objectives to Privatezilla, it allows us greater control of privacy in Windows 11.

MC Basics



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