There are many tricks to save space on an Android mobile. Some are more tedious than others, while putting them all together can make us waste too much time for something that could be achieved by selecting only a few. And that is precisely what we will deal with in this post, collect the three methods with which it is achieved free up storage space more efficiently.
We insist again on what there are more methods. In fact, none of them will be as effective as a factory reset, which manages to eliminate all junk files and superfluous elements in one fell swoop. Although, logically, it is not the most practical either if we want to keep a good part of our data and not have to configure the mobile from scratch.
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Repeated photos or too similar? Goodbye
Many times we receive the same photo by different means or we save it again without remembering that we did it before. Another typical situation is that of taking a photo and not being convinced, repeating it several times and not erasing those considered bad. In the end, all this generates a large volume of duplicate or very similar photos that in the long run they end up taking up too much space.
Reviewing manually is too tedious and does not always work, since we can miss some. For this reason, it is possible to resort to several apps to locate duplicate photos, and then proceed to delete them. The operation of all these is simple, since you only have to give access permissions to our gallery and let it start the analysis. It may take more or less depending on how many photos we have. After that, they will allow us to see which photos are repeated or are very similar and delete them.
The popular apps for this amendment are Remo Duplicate Photos Remover and Google Files. And yes, you may find this last one a little unsettling, since it is much more than a simple app to eliminate duplicate photos, also offering the possibility of perform a deeper clean system and incidentally save space in other ways.
Goodbye to downloads from Netflix and company
It is likely that, either frequently or sporadically, you have downloaded streaming platform content to consume offline. Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, but also content from music and podcast. The apps of these services offer the possibility of downloading the content so that we can play it without the need for Internet, but the negative part is that they can take up too much space (more so in the case of video).
For this reason, it is convenient that you review the downloaded content in the respective apps of each one. If you have already seen it or you think you will not need to have it downloaded for consumption, the best thing to do is to delete it. It happens the same way if you have any heavy video clips as a movie or series stored in another way (mobile file manager or the gallery itself). Also delete it without hesitation if you don’t need it.
Prevent WhatsApp from eating up mobile space
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In case you hadn’t noticed, WhatsApp is one of the apps that takes up the most space. And not only because of the chats themselves that we accumulate, which also, but because of what they contain in the form of photos, videos or voice messages. A good way to avoid taking up space excessively is disable automatic downloads of photos and videos in the app settings.
However, we recommend go further. For a few years now, WhatsApp has offered an option to manage storage in settings. By entering it you will be able to quickly locate all the files sent and received to decide if you want to delete them or not. Believe us when we tell you that many gigabytes of space can be freed after that.