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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame


The Video Game Hall of Fame has made public the titles that this year become part of its not-so-distinguished selection of “supported games” and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time it is, without a doubt, the most venerable of them all… not the only one.

The games that accompany the Nintendo classic in the Video Game Hall of Fame (SFV) this 2022 are Sid Meier’s Civilization, Ms Pac-Man Y Dance Dance Revolutionthree other classics, each in its own way and with its particular impact on the world of videogames, but also on contemporary popular culture.

As a summary, if in 2016 they already admitted the The Legend of Zelda original, now they remember the Nintendo franchise again to do the same with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Timehis first great “open world” 3D adventure and, by the way, the first great game of its kind to conquer the market and lay some foundations.

still to this day The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time It is considered by many critics as the best game in history, perhaps an excessive honor, but one that would justify this entry in the SFV. But what about the rest? Do you have what it takes for something like this? According to the criteria of the organization, yes. This is how they explain it for each of them.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Ocarina of Time it set a new standard for gaming with its freedom of movement in a three-dimensional world that felt expansive and vast, laying the groundwork not only for the action games that would follow it, but for the gaming industry as a whole.

The locking system used in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time made attacking enemies a breeze, avoiding many of the camera problems that plagued previous 3D adventure games; other game developers would implement similar features.

Sid Meier’s Civilization

Sid Meier's Civilization

Steeped in the tradition of early strategy games […]including one called civilization In the 1980s, Sid Meier sought to develop a computer game that would allow players to “build an empire to stand the test of time.” […] a unique opportunity to form nations, build monuments and unite the world under one vast empire.

civilization exemplifies the “4X” subgenre of turn-based strategy games. Although the term “4X” was not coined until a 1993 review of Master of OrionSid Meier’s game serves as the archetype for game-centric games. eXploringthe eXpandingthe eXploiting and the eXterminating.

Ms Pac-Man

Ms Pac-Man

In 1980, Pac Man captivated popular culture around the world. And yet, most video game critics would agree that the Ms Pac-Manwhich came out in 1982, is not only the best game, but also the most culturally significant.

In terms of gameplay, Ms Pac-Man it improved on its predecessor in several ways. These improvements to the game did not come from the original Japanese creator, Namco, but rather were changes that started with an “improvement” kit created by a couple of MIT students.

Dance Dance Revolution

ance Dance Revolution

Music has been an integral part of human life since prehistoric times, so it’s no surprise that music games enjoy unique popularity that spans ages, genres, and regions. Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), also known as dance-stage in Europe, it hit Japanese arcades in September 1998.

Today, Dance Dance Revolution is more than just a video game. Many players use DDR for aerobic exercise, and in 2007 the New York Times reported that more than 1,500 US high schools had plans to incorporate it into their fitness programs. In 2004, DDR became an official sport in Norway, with official tournaments.



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