We were already warned that the Telegram messaging platform will be heading towards a scenario in which it will start charging for additional functions, although it will keep the functions that have always been available for free for all.
In this regard, as it has been possible to highlight from a beta version for iOS downloaded from an unofficial beta channel of Telegram, the popular messaging platform is developing some functions that will become part of the new Premium subscription.
Towards a business model for the popular messaging application
Called Telegram Premium, it will initially offer expanded reactions, similar to the larger emojis but with options not available to free account users, and exclusive stickers.
As they comment on 9to5Google, free account users will not be able to see reactions or stickers received from any user belonging to the new paid subscription, now in development.
Instead, by clicking on any of these items, they will receive a message urging them to become part of the paid Telegram Premium subscription.
At the moment, the cost of this paid subscription, aimed at users who want to have additional functions beyond those available for free accounts, is unknown, nor if it will have other integrated functions, as would be the most logical.
At this point, months ago it became known that Telegram would bring a monthly subscription offer that will avoid seeing ads on the platform, although It is not known if Telegram Premium will be the same as the one announced months ago or if it is rather an additional subscription.
At the moment it has been discovered in a beta version for iOS, although it is to be assumed that by the time the paid subscription is launched, it will have more features and may be available on more platforms.
This discovery is one more step towards the monetization of the platform, which has more than 500 million users, although this figure may currently be higher, since no updated data has been provided at the moment.
Until Telegram makes this offer official, we will have to remain attentive to the news that will be known about it, a course that will allow Telegram to continue growing but now under a business model that will be defined over time.