The Telegram application is one of the ones that makes things more difficult for WhatsApp. The reason is that it gradually includes new options that are very useful and that, in addition, over time they end up reaching their competition. Well, a new update of the service and its corresponding applications that you will surely love have just been released. No news was offered on Telegram for a while, and today a good number of them have been known by the company. And, the truth is that many sticks are touched, so it will be difficult for you not to find something that cannot convince you to, at least, give this application that offers excellent privacy and security a chance. Big Improvements to Bots The truth is that the changes are so big that it seems like a new feature rather than a change to what already exists. A large number of tools are added that make the use of this tool much more powerful, being capable of carrying out actions typical of web pages; run games; and, even, a completely secure payment gateway can be included. Other options included in Telegram bots have to do with managing conversations, especially those involving groups of people. Thus, apart from being able to ensure that a robot whose objective is to steal data is not added, it will also be possible to establish moderation options or when sharing content. Besides, the company indicates that the inclusion of all this is much easier -with optimized privilege configuration processes-. And, as always, all this for free. The sounds of the notifications are improvements in Telegram One of the things that is added in this update is to offer greater customization of this section. An example of what is added has to do with the possibility of using any audio file that is in the terminal to use it in notifications. Of course, there are limitations: the size of the file must be a maximum of 300 KB and the duration of five seconds (note, you can even be a recording of your own voice). Other new options that come to Telegram are the ones listed below: New animated emojis, such as those related to food (hamburgers, hot dog, etc.). You can set the automatic deletion of messages in all chats in which you are with the aim of increasing privacy. Preview of the messages that are going to be forwarded, which will allow you to be sure that exactly what you want is done. You can silence the chats for a specific time that is possible determine manually. Excellent for, for example, that nothing bothers you when you drive. The truth is that there are many novelties that, for the most part, have a utility that is beyond any doubt. And, therefore, Telegram is going to remain one of the best messaging applications that exist today. >