During the presentation of the economic results of the past quarter, the company Starbucks has shown the development of a digital global community model focused on coffee. Some of the possibilities that this platform would offer are related to obtaining collectible digital objects developed on the NFT technology of intangible digital assets.
NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are intangible digital assets
It would be about developing different collections of digital objects that allow users of this Starbucks community to enjoy experiences and obtain advantages.
It would be thematic collections that arise from the artistic expressions related to the Starbucks community, both those that have already emerged so far and others of new creation. In this sense, the collaboration of creative and innovative talents from all over the world would be sought.
Starbucks has traditionally been a company agile in the assumption of innovative technologies such as the Wi-Fi networks available to its users and the implementation of electronic payment. This would not be the first time that Starbucks uses NFT technology, but it would be the first time that it would be used to generate its own digital community through these new virtual objects.
For the users of this global digital community, there will be a specific virtual wallet, capable of containing these virtual objects and storing the rewards obtained for loyalty as consumers.
Another concern for Starbucks has to do with sustainability, and in this regard it has been announced that, although it is not yet known what type of Blockchain technology will be used, it will in any case be one that uses sustainable and environmentally friendly resources.